Episode 92 – Libby – Another Poor Dog

Posted by Will! on Sunday Jun 10, 2012 Under Audio, Libby

This one may seem familiar to long-time listeners.  Libby joins to tell about a dog-owner in the big city who has some trouble!

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Recently my site was attacked by malware, so there were no new posts, since I didn’t want to help spread around whatever it was trying to infect you with, but it’s all clean now and I’m back on track (not only do I have a show this week, but I’ve got one ready for next week!)

But to the matter at hand:  This week I’m joined by the Reverend Jeremy White who has a story about a bathroom emergency and how it is almost certainly mishandled.  We reference the recording date, which was a while ago, but it’s coming out now, and I didn’t want to try to edit around it, so that’s why.

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